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What's on at the movies 29th June 2017?

Susan May

Two films this week, that's all! I didn't make the previews for these but sent a well-qualified friend along to Wimpy Kid, meaning she had kids the right age. Finally got my act together and cut the podcast from my film segment radio show on Capital Radio.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (not reviewed) Opened June 29

I can't get my kids to any of these younger kids' movies. Well they are nearly fifteen and seventeen, so who can blame them? So I sent along my usual family film reviewers Reiko and her two boys Sean 14 and James 12. Thanks to the Hortle family for being my stand in. Here's their review ...

Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Long Haul was great. The whole cast was new but they still did a good job acting as the same old characters. The mum planned a family road trip to attend grandma's 90th with modern teenage kids without electronic gadgets, which was a disaster. Like National lampoon's Holiday movie, everything goes wrong.

This film is not really educational and didn't teach kids the importance of limiting those electric devices, however it was funny and I really enjoyed (Reiko the mom's words), especially empathizing with the mum trying her best to encourage no electric gadgets holiday for the family, which isn't easy at all.

There is no rude language and the story finished with positive meaning about family. I can recommend this as a great movie to watch for the any age groups for the coming school holiday. I rated 4 out of 5.

Film Blurb

In DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: THE LONG HAUL, based on the record-breaking book series, a family road trip to attend Meemaw's 90th birthday party goes hilariously off course--thanks to Greg's newest scheme to (finally!) become famous. Stars Alicia Silverstone,

In the House (not reviewed) Opened June 29

No review for this one as the film company didn't schedule a preview. That doesn't bode well. I see this film has the same writing team as Bad Neighbors 1 and 2 and Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates, so I think you get the picture of the type of film this is.

Probably will have a few laughs, a few physical gags and you will forget it by the time you get home. However if Saturday Night Live type humor is your thing, here's your serving this week.

Film Blurb

Andrew J. Cohen directs this romp about a mother and father (Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler) who blow their daughter's college fund and start an illegal casino in their basement to recoup the losses. Stars Amy Poehler and Will Ferrell.



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